Saturday, May 25, 2013

Panera Bread...thanks!

Well as I sit here I am no longer an employee at Panera bread. I was extremely fortunate to find this job which fit into my schedule with whole foods market for the last year and a couple of months. This was a gift I wanted to get to Cindy and my entire family, The gift of Cindy not having to work outside the home. I know my family has been blessed beyond measure because of the fact that Cindy has become the house manager and was and is able to raise our two wonderful kids. What this means for me is freedom, Freedom to have a good nights rest, Freedom to spend more time with my beautiful wife, And freedom to play with my kids. I'm proud of what I accomplished at Panera but also proud of the fact that I'll be going down to just one job. A big thank you to my wonderful wife Cindy for supporting me this last year and a couple months and also supporting my decision to go back to one job. Goodbye baguettes... hello sleep!! 


  1. I'm thrilled to hear you are down to one job! Here's to snoozing!

  2. Yippee!!! So glad you are getting to spend time with he family. They LOVE it!

