Friday, May 2, 2014


Like his big sister before him, Jude has cleverly come up with his own words and some words that sound similar to our English lingo. Here is list with definition of some of Jude's words. 

Ssss-eows : this is the word Jude Bradley use for SHOES. He adores shoes and loves to take them on and off. He especially loves his green crocs, probably because sister has crocs.  

E-aah : Cindy discovered that this is Jude's word for PLEASE. He has discovered that when he says please he will get stuff (mostly food) so this is his favorite word. 

Ha-hooo : this is the phrase "THANK YOU".  He really doesn't say and words or really any letters when he thanks us he just uses the intonation in his voice. 

A waunt it / A waunt thaat : this one is pretty easy to decifer. He usually says this when he wants.... You guessed it, food. 

Open it : this one can be for food or anything he wants taken out to play with. 

Pea-pea : this is a term for solid or liquid waste. 

Baaaaa: nope, not a sheep but a plea to take a BATH. He also throws a fit if his bath does not come in a timely manner. 

Jude is really growing up since we have moved to Texas. He has learned to walk, talk a little, doubled in size and plays with friends and sister. He is also fearless and will go down a big playground slide by himself. He loves to wrestle and he has a hardy, cute laugh. 

1 comment:

  1. These are Great! So funny. He is so cute and getting big.

