Friday, July 22, 2011

Crawling away.

Well this month has really brought my little booger from a baby into an independent toddler. She found out how to get her knees up under her and now she is on the move and her world has really opened up. She is so cute and so proud of herself. She has also discovered some more words and sounds and can mock the pitch of your voice and mimic what you say(sort of). She enjoyed some roast a mashed potatoes with Cindy and I tonight ,Bethany is a adventurous eater as well.
In other news we are gearing up for vacation in 2 weeks. We will be attending the annaul Eckstien family renion and then heading down to Texas. Sweet time off!


  1. She is changing sooooo fast! Can't wait to get together again. Very glad you are getting to go to TX. That is just awesome. Good times ahead!

  2. Can't wait to see that little girl.....and you and Cindy, of course! Yay for vacation!

