Tuesday, November 19, 2013


We are well into the Holidays and coming up on 1 week until Thanksgiving, the best day of the year!! I'll back up a little...
We had a wonderful Halloween and found another reason to fall in love with our town. Bethany and Jude dressed up and we went out on the town to scare up some candy. Bethany was WAY into it this year. She dressed up like a ballerina and Jude dressed up as a Bat. Both very cute!
Bethany scored big time on the candy filling her pumpkin up! Our neighbor was over run with kids and families and it was such a awesome experience feeling the community envolvement and the overall excitement!
I want to add this picture of "BatBoy" Jude to embarrass him when he becomes a Teenager in 13 years. 

Now our focus shifts to Turkey day! We will be celebrating in Brenham, Texas with the Hall clan and be partaking in our newer tradition Thanksgiving / Christmas all in one glorious a Day!!! Talk about FUN! Can't wait! Happy Holidays my a Friends and Family! 

1 comment:

  1. You are certainly having a lot of fun in Texas. Can't tell you how much I miss this family.

