Thursday, January 28, 2010

Taking pleasure in the small stuff

Some of my favorite things can be classified as "simple" or even boring to some. And who in there great wisdom decided it's bad to be bored. I love when I can take a moment or to to take a deep breath and step of the fast lane.

Here's some free or cheap actives that cost nothing but will enrich your life...

1. Watch a cat yawn (you cant help but wonder how they get there mouth that wide)
2. Look through a old photo album.
3. Walk to your local gas station for a cola.
4. Challenge someone to a game of scrabble.
5. Count your blessings (that should keep you busy for a couple of weeks!)


  1. Anytime you get the hankering to be bored, come to our house. : ) I am glad there is someone who doesn't feel the need to be entertained 24/7.

